交流合作 携手发展

Communication & Cooperation, Development with Concerted Efforts


发布时间:2021-09-10 浏览次数:1366


Dear ISU members,

2021年6月10日,国际丝绸联盟(ISU)和国际蚕业委员会(ISC)签署了合作备忘录,双方旨在信息交流与资源共享等方面加强交流。近日,国际蚕业委员会计划于2022年3月出版英文书籍《Silk Products of the World》(中文译:《世界丝绸产品》)。为进一步深化交流,宣传成员单位及其特色产品,国际丝绸联盟秘书处现面向成员单位征集丝绸产品信息,包括产品宣传图和中英文介绍,书籍中将注明国别、企业名称和国际丝绸联盟成员单位。

On June 10, 2021, International Silk Union (ISU) and the International Sericulture Commission (ISC) signed the Memorandum of Understanding, aiming to promote in-depth exchanges on the information exchange and resource sharing, etc. Recently, ISC plan to publish an English book "Silk Products of the World" in March 2022. In order to further deepen exchanges and promote ISU members and it's products, we are now collecting silk product information from the members, including product image and Chinese and English introduction, it will also indicate the country, the name of the company and the ISU members. 

《Silk Products of the World》第一部分介绍丝绸的起源和现状,第二部分展示各国的丝绸产品,每个国家展示10-20页,每页展示1-2张产品图,全书共计400-500页。书籍出版后,将通过国际蚕业委员会官网、Facebook等平台发布,并向合作单位及企业提供电子版书籍。

The first part of the book will give an introduction of silk origin and its current position. And in the second part, the products and its description shall be given, each country will get 10-20 pages, and each page contain 1-2 images. The book may be about 400-500 pages. After the publish, the book will be released on ISC website, Facebook and other platforms, and the electronic version of the book will be provided to cooperating units and enterprises.


产品展示效果Product display template

《Silk Products of the World》一书的出版对展示各国丝绸文化,以及丝绸产品的国际化宣传和推广具有重要意义,请感兴趣的成员单位填写以下附件,并于9月25日之前发送至邮箱isusecretariat@163.com,秘书处将筛选部分优秀产品信息推荐于国际蚕业委员会。

The publication of "Silk Products of the World" is of great significance to the display of silk cultures in various countries and the international promotion of silk products. Interested members are requested to fill in the following attachment and send it to isusecretariat@163.com before September 25. The Secretariat will select some excellent products information and recommend it to ISC.

国际蚕业委员会是一个致力于发展蚕桑产业的政府间国际组织,秘书处设在印度班加罗尔。委员会包括 21 个成员国的 35 个准会员。委员会的宗旨是鼓励和促进蚕业科学技术的发展和改进,推动世界蚕业生产的发展,促进不同国家、国际组织和机构的行动协调和项目融合,在能力建设、专家服务、交流咨询和技术应用等方面开展项目合作与专业活动,促进蚕桑业在现有领域与新领域的应用与发展。

INTERNATIONAL SERICULTURAL COMMISSION is an inter-governmental organization dedicated to the development of sericulture and silk industry in the world with office located in Bengaluru, India. The commission has 35 associate members from 21 member countries. ISC’s main objective is the development of sericulture industry in existing and new areas through coordinated actions and convergence of programmes extended by different countries, international organizations and other agencies and to organise specialized programmes and activities in capacity building, volunteer expert services, establishing linkages among the sectors, and enhancing facilities for common use.





ISU Secretariat

August 30, 2021